Here are 5 ways that your curiosity can put you ahead of the pack:

Curiosity Driving Leadership

Eagerness to learn – Curiosity is expressed in an eagerness for on-going learning.  Constantly tuning into the opportunities to learn more shows how serious you are about making your career a success.  Studying formally, developing new job skills, job shadowing, attending training events, conferences and presentations are all indications of a life-long learner who cares […]

Top Tips to Make a Great Impression at Your New Job

Making a great impressions

There’s no doubt that starting out in a new position is highly stressful. We feel the pressure to make a great impression on colleagues and the bosses at just the time when we are really vulnerable because we are trying to learn the ropes. First off, take a deep breath and focus on being more […]

What’s Next? Could a Career or Life Coach help you?

Business Coaching Life Coach Coaching

View this Article on LikedIn   Career decisions are BIG decisions, and it is easy to get stuck in the fear of making a ‘wrong’ choice.  However, spending a significant amount of time ‘not knowing’, and so not acting could have a far more detrimental effect on your career.  A good career or life coach […]

Is Career Happiness – Just a Pipe-Dream?

Career Happiness Job Satisfaction

View this Article on LikedIn Happiness has long been regarded the preserve of childhood and mostly didn’t feature in the adult world of serious things like supporting ourselves through work. However, expectations of work and careers have changed dramatically, and more and more people seek personal fulfilment in their jobs. But how do we actually […]

Are Fear and Stress Hampering Your Job Search?

Fear Stress Concern Overwhelmed

View this Article on LikedIn  The anticipation of a major change in our lives engenders a natural level of stress.  The point of this natural stress is to sharpen our focus so that we negotiate the change in optimal ways.  Unfortunately, for many of us, our busy, worrying minds push the stress level beyond the […]

Your Work-Life Balance – You’re in Charge

Work-life Balance who is responsible.

View this Article on LikedIn Constant pressure and gnawing stress are tell-tale signs that work and personal life are out of kilter. Pushing on day after day, hoping it will all magically ease off or that someone is going to just give you a break is not likely to happen – even if it does in […]

Your Career – Is Social Media Your Friend or Foe?

Facebook YouTube LinkedIn Twitter Instagram WhatsApp Pintrest Google+ Tumbler Snapchat Ticktok

View this Article on LikedIn The simple answer to this question is: “That depends on you.”  Social media is like any other tool – you can use it to good effect, or be destructive with it.  There is no doubt that, if used well, social media can be a very helpful to career development. In today’s world, it is critical […]

Have you established an Effective Personal Brand?

Brand Personal Branding

View this Article on LikedIn “I haven’t got a personal brand yet,” a candidate mentioned to me the other day.“Have you got a LinkedIn account?  Facebook?” I asked.“Sure,” she replied.“Well then you have got a personal brand.” I pointed out. Just because you haven’t taken yourself through a branding process, doesn’t mean that what’s out there on the […]

How to Boost Your Executive Branding

Rocket Boost Lift-off

View this Article on LikedIn So, you’ve got a well-established personal brand and yet you feel like you are under-valued at work, and possibly overlooked.  Perhaps you have not been considered for positions which you are well suited for, or you have struggled to convince management to enable you to participate in new areas where you know you […]

How to Make a Success of Switching Careers

Career Change Growth New opportunities

View on LinkedIn How times have changed.  Today, not only is job-hopping common, but there’s also a significant amount of career switching that happens at all ages.  Of course, it is easier to move into a different field during the earlier stages of your career, but there are many in their middle ages who are […]